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Original Artwork Marketing Proposal

Greetings 1ArtCollection Artists,

We are expanding our product offerings to also list Original Artworks on our websites under a new Original Artwork Marketing Agreement. We will also list Limited Editions under a separate Agreement.

Under this agreement, 1ArtCollection (1A.C.) will serve solely as a non-exclusive marketer of any Original Artworks that an Artist submits for listing with 1A.C. The Agreement will give 1A.C. the right to list, market, promote, and generate sales of the Artists’ Original Artworks through our websites and other online channels.

“Original Artworks” are defined as any one-of-a-kind Artwork created by the Artist. This will include paintings (and other 2-dimensional media), fiber art, ceramics, sculpture, and more.

The Artist will retain possession (or have access to) their Original Artworks. Artists are encouraged to continue marketing their work by any other means, including consignment or other methods. The Artist must be able to retrieve the Artwork when 1A.C. creates a sale.

The benefits of this structure:

  1. There are no costs to the Artist. No commission will be deducted by 1A.C. from the Artist’s wholesale price. Instead of deducting an industry standard 30-40% commission from the total sale amount, 1A.C. will add a mark-up the Artist’s wholesale price to create a profit margin.

  2. 1A.C. will have the flexibility to work with, and pay commissions to, marketing partners.

  3. 1A.C. can do promotions and offer discounts out of its profit margin.

  4. The Artist will know exactly what price they will receive for their Artwork.

1A.C. Responsibilities

  1. Provide the Artist with an Original Artwork Marketing Agreement. And countersign the Artist’s signed Agreement.

  2. Provide the Artist with an Original Artwork Submission Form. This form will require all details about the Artwork (Title, Artist name, Artist’s wholesale price, art medium, technique, dimensions, shipping weight, etc.).

  3. Create listings with photos of the Artist’s submitted Artwork on websites and other marketing channels.

  4. Receive purchase requests from buyers. Confirm availability of the Artwork with the Artist.

  5. When availability is confirmed by the Artist, 1A.C. will notify the buyer and process the transaction.

  6. Once the buyer’s payment is received, 1A.C. will forward the paid order to the Artist for fulfillment and shipping to the buyer.

  7. Provide the Artist with a Certificate of Authenticity (C.O.A.) template. This fillable PDF will allow the Artist to complete the C.O.A. online, print it out, and sign it (we recommend printing the COA on heavy, high-quality paper or cardstock). This C.O.A. must accompany the Artwork.

  8. Upon Confirmation of Delivery to the buyer, 1A.C. will release payment to the Artist.

Artist Responsibilities

  1. Sign and submit to 1A.C. the Original Artwork Marketing Agreement.

  2. Submit to 1A.C.:
    a.  A completed Original Artwork Submission Form (ALL details are required). The Artist will list the wholesale price that they want to receive on the Submission Form.

    b.  Photos (at least 2 angles) as digital files (2 MB +) 2048px (long edge) recommended. The form and photos must be sent together via email to 1A.C.

  3. The Artist will be responsible for handling packaging and shipping of the Artwork to the buyer. Packaging and handling costs should be calculated separately from the wholesale price of the Artwork and submitted on the Artwork Submission Form. Actual shipping costs will be calculated and charged at checkout based on the Artwork’s weight (including packaging) submitted by the Artist.

Order / Delivery Process

  1. 1A.C. will list, promote, and market the Artist’s submitted Artworks through its websites and other marketing channels.

  2. When a purchase request is received by 1A.C. from a buyer, 1A.C. will notify the Artist of the pending sale, and to confirm that the Artwork is still available.

  3. Once the Artist confirms availability, 1A.C. will notify the buyer, complete the purchase, and send the paid order to purchase to the Artist.

  4. The Artist will then be responsible for packaging and shipping the Artwork to the buyer.

    Insurance and signature
    Confirmation of Delivery to the buyer are required through the shipping company. The

    Artists must also include a signed Certificate of Authenticity (1A.C. will provide a template) with the Artwork.

  5. Upon receipt of a Confirmation of Delivery, signed by the buyer, the Artist will email to 1A.C. that delivery confirmation. 1A.C. will then release payment to the Artist.

If you would like to participate in this program, and list some of your Original Artworks with 1A.C., please reply via email and I will forward you the Original Artwork Marketing Agreement and Submission Form.


Douglas Page
Founder / Managing Partner