The Long View
•Posted on November 03 2024

The Long View
I have to admit it. Visually speaking, I’ve been narrow minded.
Life is 360 degrees, but even the best super-wide-angle lenses only capture about 1/3 of that. So, I’ve resolved to expand my horizons, see the big picture and take the long view of the world – literally.
So, I’ve developed techniques for photographing dramatic extra-wide panoramic scenes in super high-resolution clarity – capable of reproduction as full wall murals at 50 feet long with astonishing clarity. By photographing the 180 degree scene with a series of hi-res exposures (up to 12) across the width of the panorama and then stitching together in Photoshop, I’ve been able to achieve digital image files up to 20x the size of a single image file. The results are amazing, with unbelievable clarity at 50 ft. enlargement as a full wall mural – as shown in the 36″ detail of the 50 ft. mural below.
36 in. sq. detail of Waikiki Skyline panorama at 50 ft. enlargement.

These images are part of my new series of original mural art. See the complete collection in our new Panoramas Collection and let me know your impressions. More to come, so check back often.